Tuesday 30 March 2010

Welcome to our new Streetband Rehearsals blog and an invitation to join our North Devon street band

Welcome to our new Streetband rehearsals web site and blog. Here we will be putting information about tunes we are practicing and rehearsing at our main meeting centre which is the Reform Inn Skittle Alley, Pilton, Barnstaple, North Devon and inviting musicians to join our street band.

We meet every Thursday in the skittle alley at 8pm except when it is booked for other purposes and welcome instrumentalists of all kinds who would like to join in and play with our street band.

If you play an instrument and are interested in playing simple tunes in the local streets of North Devon (wearing fancy dress), why not just come along and see us during our practice sessions and see if you would enjoy playing with us. (Please check first tel: 01271 329994 with the Reform Inn, Pilton, Barnstaple, North Devon that we are meeting the particular Thursday you are interested in to avoid a possibly wasted journey!)

At the moment we have quite a lot of drums, a few guitars, a melodeon, a whistle, possibly a cello and a soprano saxophone. To counterbalance the drums, melodic instruments are particularly welcome. Since we play in public in the streets, it is probably necessary for you to play an acoustic instrument.

The purpose of the Streetband is to fund raise for the North Devon Children's Hospice and, in it's previous form before a recent reorganisation, we were able to collect up to several hundred pounds on each midday Saturday outing. So, if you join the band, you will be helping a worthy cause.

However, a large part of the purpose of the Streetband, which is quite light-hearted, is to have fun playing simple tunes together and hopefully entertaining the general public in the process.

If you would like to introduce yourself to us, before coming along, you are welcome to leave a comment below. Just click 'Comments' below and leave your message.

By for now
